Hi everybody, my name is Dawn Carlisle. I'm a certified safety professional with Key Safety. I just wanted to do a few YouTube videos to help illuminate and show some processes that people can use on their own. I often receive questions from companies about the citations they have and how common they are. I also get questions from new safety professionals asking where to begin and what their priorities should be in their industry. For those of you who have recently been assigned safety and health duties in your company or are responsible for it in a new company, this is a great way to start and understand the priorities. Let's take a look at the most frequently cited standards within your industry or organization. This will give us an idea of what inspectors often observe when visiting similar companies. Instead of just looking at the top 20 most frequently cited standards which are an aggregate of all companies within OSHA, let's focus on the specific industries. This will provide more relevant information. In classes or among safety professionals, there is often a lot of talk about the top 10 or top 20 most frequently cited standards. While that can be helpful to some extent, it may not be as useful within specific industries. Now, let's take a look at a list from UC Davis course that shows Cal-OSHA's top 25 violations in 2010. While this list has changed over the years, it will still give you an idea of where we currently stand. The number one violation is an injury and illness prevention program. Heat-related violations are also high on the list due to recent regulatory changes focusing on heat prevention during the summer. To wrap up, it's important to understand the specific violations and priorities within your industry. This will help...
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Cal osha s and publications Form: What You Should Know
Cal/OSHA Publication Number: 63765 Cal/OSHA — Division of Occupational Safety and Health The Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) provides enforcement, supervision and education programs to help protect the health and safety of both non-union and union workers. These programs include — Employer's responsibility to make safety/health a key concern; — Training in personal protective equipment; — Training on workplace safety and health problems; — Training for inspectors; — Training in hazardous material and fire prevention rules as appropriate; — Education to enhance the health and safety of employees; and — Consultation. Cal/OSHA Guide for the Professional Contractor, Part I: This booklet assists professional contractors in providing training to employees and performing workplace inspections. Cal/OSHA — Safety and Health — Section C Includes topics on the following subject areas Proper training, supervision, emergency, and prevention; Occupational diseases; Laboratory testing; Occupational illness: Cal/OSHA Pocket Guide for the Construction Industry To obtain copies of Cal/OSHA safety and health publications, contact a Cal/OSHA Consultation have requirements in the Construction Safety Orders (CSOs). Cal/OSHA Guide for the Construction Industry Part II: This booklet assists professional contractors in providing training to Employees; and The Occupational Diseases. Cal/OSHA Guide for the Construction Industry Part III: This booklet assists professional contractors in providing training to Employees and Employer responsibilities during construction; Construction Occupational diseases; Laboratory testing; Laboratory illnesses; and Occupational diseases. Cal/OSHA Manual — Personal Protective Equipment The following information provides a brief overview of the most common types of clothing and equipment required for safety and health of workers. California Occupational Safety and Health Regulations In addition to this material, Cal/OSHA has published a complete set of Cal/OSHA safety and health regulations. Cal/OSHA has a separate, state of the art, site database. Cal/OSHA — Safety and Health — Section II Appendix I The requirements on personal protective equipment and the types of equipment required are divided into specific chapters in this booklet. The guide is divided into three sections: 1. Personal protective equipment for construction workers; 2. Workplace Safety Rules; 3.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Cal Osha Forms and publications